Cosmic Chai - Crescent Building @ 320 Balestier Road


Recently, I asked a friend I've met through another friend of mine, chris chai, aka Cosmic Chai, if I could do some photos of him at work on one of buildings he's been painting on.

So I shot him a message, asking if I could drop by to hang out, take some shots and to see his work in person!

Painting the building's facade is no easy feat, and even more so when you're trying to do it with your own design, marrying it with the building's facade, and not just that, working against the elements to complete the project.

Although I've only spend a day with him to take the photos, the culmination of the work that goes into painting the facade was obvious to me.

See all the tape at the bottom of the metal scaffolding? That's part of what he had to use. And he used a lot.

He had to basically cover the entire facade in tape, paint them and move around them. On top of that, with the building's old painted exterior having some water trapped in the original paint(due to rain), it cracks and chip off, and once that happens, it means he had to paint over the spots again.

Rain? means waiting for the rain to stop before he can continue on painting the facade, if it gets too heavy. And when you have such a massive facade to cover almost entirely on your own, time really is of the essence.

He also works late into the night to make sure he can get as much done as he can within the time frame.

I hope some of the photographs I took that day and yesterday (was a pretty good weather) could give you some appreciation for the level of work and effort that goes into painting such a facade. It is no easy task, and I think it is really quite outstanding, with the geometric shapes and patterns to stand out within the heart of Balestier.

As always, these are unpaid personal work I do to feature artists, he just happens to be someone I had knew. I just wanted to photograph him at work and appreciate it through the process of photography.

Thanks for the beer and letting me discover the amazing dessert that is a frozen 100plus Ice pop.

If you would like to check out his works:

The building is located at 320 Balestier Road!